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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Giving Bush The Ole Iraqi Shoe Shoo

It wasn't the last image the Bush folk wanted to see on TV with this, his last trip to Iraq, but what I have seen on the news, 72 times in the last 15 hours, is an angry journalist throwing his shoes at President Bush. I wouldn't want to be in that guy's shoes right now. I understand he has been beaten and faces up to 8 years in prison, but, well, if the shoe fits. . . Still, the incident has nudged my Muse awake.

Giving Bush The Ole Iraqi Shoe Shoo

On TV I watched an Iraqi journalist as he threw
not one shoe, but two
shoes at President Bush, who, with dumb luck,
managed (as a former cheerleader) to effectively duck.
I'm not positive of that shoe thrower's goal
but the people of Iraq thought the man had sole
and they admired him. Why do they approve?
Well, let's see, perhaps, maybe you've
failed to remember a war we started,
not over WMDs, but because Saddam farted.
Their neighbors, friends, kids, husbands, and wives
have been bombed, or shot, and lost their lives,
and while I don't condone a shoe assault, I still feel
it was more of an insult than an attempt to kill.

As I understand it, in Iraq
they don't follow dogs with a plastic sack
to clean the Baghdad streets of puppy poop,
so it is not exactly a big news scoop
to say that among the rubble of Baghdad
a lot of dogpiles wait like land mines, yes, it's sad,
and a lot of the people of Iraq commonly step in poo
which explains why it's so insulting to throw the shoe.
I think that what that Iraqi journalist was trying to do
is give George W Bush the ole Iraqi shoe shoo.

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